
AWS Single Sign-On for AWS Organization


In this guide, you will learn how to set up AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) to streamline user access and permissions management across multiple AWS accounts within an AWS Organization. By integrating AWS SSO, you can centralize authentication, reduce administrative overhead, and improve security posture for your multi-account environment.

Key Concepts

AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)

AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) is a cloud-based service that provides centralized access management and Single Sign-On capabilities for AWS accounts and business applications. AWS SSO allows you to assign fine-grained permissions for users and groups by integrating with AWS Identity Center, providing seamless access without the need for multiple credentials.

AWS Organization

An AWS Organization is a service that lets you centrally manage and govern multiple AWS accounts. AWS Organization allows you to structure your accounts into Organizational Units (OUs), apply Service Control Policies (SCPs) to control permissions, and simplify billing through a single Management Account.

Organizational Unit (OU)

An Organizational Unit (OU) is a logical grouping of AWS accounts within an AWS Organization. OUs help organize accounts for streamlined management and policy enforcement. OUs can be nested, enabling hierarchical structures that support a complex organization layout.

Management Account

The Management Account is the primary account that manages your entire AWS Organization. This account has the highest level of permissions and is used for setting up organization-wide configurations such as policies, billing consolidation, and centralized access management. All costs incurred by member accounts roll up to the management account for consolidated billing.

Guide Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. AWS SSO Setup
  3. Testing and Validation
  4. Clean Up Resources


In this guide, we explored how to set up AWS Single Sign-On for AWS Organizations. We configured SSO settings, assigned permissions, tested user access, and cleaned up resources. AWS SSO offers a unified way to control user access and permissions, improving security and management across your AWS accounts.