Create Permission Set

Permission Set

A Permission Set defines the level of access that Users and Groups have within AWS accounts in the AWS Organization. These permission sets are stored in AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) and are provided to AWS accounts as IAM roles. Multiple permissions can be assigned to a single User.

  1. To begin, follow these steps:
    • Open the AWS SSO Console.
    • Choose “AWS accounts” from the left sidebar.
    • Navigate to the Permission sets tab.
    • Click on Create permission set.

AWS Account

  1. On the “Create new permission set” page:
    • Select the desired Permission set type.

AWS Account

  1. Choose AdministratorAccess to grant comprehensive access to AWS resources and services.

AWS Account

  1. Provide the name as AdministratorAccess and proceed by selecting Next.

AWS Account

  1. Review your choices and confirm by selecting Create.

AWS Account

  1. This completes the creation of the Permission set.

AWS Account

  1. To configure the Permission Set with SecurityAudit permissions, repeat the above steps. The result will be displayed as shown below:

AWS Account